Screening for pre-eclampsia and growth retardation
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a serious complication of pregnancy occurring in up to 5% of pregnant women. In more severe cases, it is the cause of premature birth, growth retardation or termination of pregnancy by caesarean section, and in some cases it can threaten the life and health of the mother. Pre-eclampsia occurs at the earliest after the 20th week of pregnancy.
Early diagnosis allows this life-threatening complication to be addressed before its severe clinical manifestations.
The main symptoms of PE are:
increase in maternal blood pressure
high levels of protein in the urine
Pregnant women who have an increased risk of PE
occurrence of PE in a previous pregnancy
family history of PE (in mother or sister)
chronic high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease or both
maternal parameters (age, height, weight) + personal and family history
blood pressure measurement
ultrasound examination of blood flow in the uterine arteries by a certified sonographer from FMF London (Foetal Medicine Foundation London)
blood test to determine PlGF levels (placental growth hormone)
In our Centre, we calculate the risk of PE occurrence during screening in the 1st trimester of pregnancy (11th-13th weeks of pregnancy).
From pregnancy week 14+0 (in the second trimester) onwards, we recommend that you complete the AFP, HCG, uE3 collection by your gynaecologist – i.e. perform a complete sequential integrated test.
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